Monday, October 28, 2013

Goals of week 10

Alright the new challenge is up and we are more than prepared for it.
The challenge is in two weeks to have an autonomous period resulting in one cube scored, and to have a Tele op period resulting in four cubes scored in four different boxes in a minute or less...
GOALS: our goal by the end of this week is to have an arm our system able to pick up the blocks efficiently and by the end of next week to have it programmed to be able to pick up those blocks alone autonomously...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Upon the return

So after a field trip of being gone for a few days I came back to find a lot of improvements to the robot. The first being the redone wiring to allow for a more accessible motor controller system. Next being the wheels gear system now improved and geared up for now speed. Other than that it's looking good and ready to hang tomorrow :D

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thanks engineering!

This honestly has nothing to do with our in class engineering but I thought it related so why not? So here I am trying to learn this new plugin to emulate particles to a obj 3d object in a 3d space because the outcome looks beautiful and I couldn't figure out how to use it at all, after four hours of tutorials I was ready to give up when I realized something this plugin had a front, back, side, top, and isometric view. Just like in solidworks than when it wanted me to define the planes I literally found it was almost the exact same thing, by doing this I got my final result at roughly 3am this morning. So there you go a case that truly hours to sore that engineering can apply to all aspects of modern technology, thanks engineering :D

Friday, October 11, 2013

Renditions under construction

So were trying to move the support up for the arm but found the motor controllers to be in the way so we've removed the plastic plate and moved the support arm forward while moving the from bar back to hopefully add some space so we can fit in the fitting cube

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Battery were set

So after being set back by being in the auditorium for two days wr hour right into it today by attaching a nice battery mount and figuring out the design for the endofactor :D

Friday, October 4, 2013

3D Quiz

Today were typing up some questions for a quiz for the 3d printer...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cart Done Robot Hanger

Finally got the cart done, all good to go, robot chassis is fine but just needs to be programmed which were going to do today and attached the arm :D