Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 15 Accomplishments


This wee our team has made a spreadsheet to copy down the costs and amount of parts needed to build an arduino powered laser engraver. Also we sold the rest of our left over cookie dough today as well. Also over the thanksgiving break we plan on maybe buying one or two RC cars to convert into arduino powered RC cars. Along with the RC car plan for ardunio, we are in the midst of planning a miniature laser cutter out of ardunio as well.

Ardunio tools

Cookies Baking. 

Michael working with ardunio 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 15 Goals


This week our team is working on more arduino related projects. Since this is a 2 day school week we are making plans for different projects such as an arduino powered laser engraver. We were also thinking about doing an arduino powered RC Car. So during this short two day week we plan on coming up with a basic bill of materials and a bill of costs to find out the cost of the project. As well as weather or not we have enough time to complete the project.

Picture of The MicroSlice V1 | A tiny Arduino laser cutter

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 14 Summary


This week our team has gotten forms to fill out for the fundraising report. So that means that yesterday (11-20-14) was the last official day for cookie sales. So hopefully we will be able to fundraise for an addition 3 weeks before winter break. Also now we are beginning to look for projects/events for the robotics portion of engineering to do.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 14 Goals


This week will be the second to last week before we stop fundraising and have to fill out a fundraising report. Which means our goals for this week is to get all of our receipts together as well as to get the fundraising report forms to fill out. As well doing research on how to use DC motors and servos with arduino. Also this week we have been working on a spreadsheet to document all of our sales. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 13 Summary


This week we successfully accomplished getting a servo respond to a potentiometer. We also plan on making a power point for this project in order for other students to learn how to do this. Also we figured out a way to bake more cookies and sell more cookies in an effective manner. To do this Nicky and I would have to come in 5 minuets before the bell rings for 6th period to start pre heating the oven.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 13 Goals


This week our team is working on critiquing our Arduino Blinking Led Power Point. We are also working on connecting a servo to our Arduino Bread Board in order to control it with a potentiometer. Also we are going to figure out a way to double our cookie sales after school. By coming up with a system in order to sell more cookies in an efficient timely matter. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 12 Summary


This week we were able to exceed our goal in cookie sales as well as complete our arduino led tutorial power point. We actually made 54$ which was 4$ over our goal and we have started looking for projects or events that we can spend our fundraiser money on. We will be working on more power points related to arduino so we can hopefully teach other students in engineering about arduino. We also completed another day helping the engineering students at Plantation Middle.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Beginning of Week 12


This week our team plans on buying more cookie dough to increase our sales. Since last week we did extremely well in regards to sales, production and advertising our product. This week we want to use all of our resources to our advantage and make flyers to put up around the school. Also since we are not doing any FTC events we are planning on working on in class projects pertaining to Arduino to keep robotics going.We also hope to make our way over to plantation middle to continuing to helping the kids with their racecars.  Plus we are starting to consider other events we can do outside of school such as Plywood Regatta and the FGCU Solar Car Challenge.